Restore environment stored in package
pathToCsv = "inst/settings/rEnvironmentSnapshot.csv",
stopOnWrongRVersion = FALSE,
strict = FALSE,
skipLast = TRUE
The path for the GitHub repo containing the package (e.g. 'OHDSI/StudyProtocols/AlendronateVsRaloxifene').
The path for the snapshot inside the package.
Should the function stop when the wrong version of R is installed? Else just a warning will be thrown when the version doesn't match.
If TRUE, the exact version of each package will installed. If FALSE, a package will only be installed if (a) a newer version is required than currently installed, or (b) the major version number is different.
Skip last entry in snapshot? This is usually the study package that needs to be installed manually.
This function restores all packages (and package versions) described in the environment snapshot
stored in the package currently being developed. The default location is
if (FALSE) {