Take a snapshot of the R environment




The name of the root package


A data frame listing all the dependencies of the root package and their version numbers, in the order in which they should be installed.


This function records all versions used in the R environment that are used by one root package. This can be used for example to restore the environment to the state it was when a particular study package was run using the restoreEnvironment function.


snapshot <- takeEnvironmentSnapshot("OhdsiRTools")
#>        package version
#> 1            R   4.2.0
#> 2    grDevices   4.2.0
#> 3     graphics   4.2.0
#> 4        utils   4.2.0
#> 5        stats   4.2.0
#> 6          sys     3.4
#> 7      askpass     1.1
#> 8      methods   4.2.0
#> 9        tools   4.2.0
#> 10          R6   2.5.1
#> 11        curl   4.3.2
#> 12    jsonlite   1.8.0
#> 13        mime    0.12
#> 14     openssl   2.0.0
#> 15     RJSONIO 1.3-1.6
#> 16   codetools  0.2-18
#> 17     formatR    1.12
#> 18        httr   1.4.3
#> 19     remotes   2.4.2
#> 20 OhdsiRTools   2.0.2