creates descriptive statistics summary for an entire OMOP CDM instance.
resultsDatabaseSchema = cdmDatabaseSchema,
scratchDatabaseSchema = resultsDatabaseSchema,
vocabDatabaseSchema = cdmDatabaseSchema,
tempEmulationSchema = resultsDatabaseSchema,
sourceName = "",
createTable = TRUE,
smallCellCount = 5,
cdmVersion = "5",
createIndices = TRUE,
numThreads = 1,
tempAchillesPrefix = "tmpach",
dropScratchTables = TRUE,
sqlOnly = FALSE,
outputFolder = "output",
verboseMode = TRUE,
optimizeAtlasCache = FALSE,
defaultAnalysesOnly = TRUE,
updateGivenAnalysesOnly = FALSE,
sqlDialect = NULL
An R object of type connectionDetails
created using the
function createConnectionDetails
in the
Fully qualified name of database schema that contains OMOP CDM schema. On SQL Server, this should specifiy both the database and the schema, so for example, on SQL Server, 'cdm_instance.dbo'.
Fully qualified name of database schema that we can write final results to. Default is cdmDatabaseSchema. On SQL Server, this should specifiy both the database and the schema, so for example, on SQL Server, 'cdm_results.dbo'.
Fully qualified name of the database schema that will store all of the intermediate scratch tables, so for example, on SQL Server, 'cdm_scratch.dbo'. Must be accessible to/from the cdmDatabaseSchema and the resultsDatabaseSchema. Default is resultsDatabaseSchema. Making this "#" will run Achilles in single-threaded mode and use temporary tables instead of permanent tables.
String name of database schema that contains OMOP Vocabulary. Default is cdmDatabaseSchema. On SQL Server, this should specifiy both the database and the schema, so for example 'results.dbo'.
Formerly oracleTempSchema. For databases like Oracle where you must specify the name of the database schema where you want all temporary tables to be managed. Requires create/insert permissions to this database.
String name of the data source name. If blank, CDM_SOURCE table will be queried to try to obtain this.
(OPTIONAL) A vector containing the set of Achilles analysisIds for
which results will be generated. If not specified, all analyses
will be executed. Use getAnalysisDetails
to get a
list of all Achilles analyses and their Ids.
If true, new results tables will be created in the results schema. If not, the tables are assumed to already exist, and analysis results will be inserted (slower on MPP).
To avoid patient identification, cells with small counts (<= smallCellCount) are deleted. Set to 0 for complete summary without small cell count restrictions.
Define the OMOP CDM version used: currently supports v5 and above. Use major release number or minor number only (e.g. 5, 5.3)
Boolean to determine if indices should be created on the resulting Achilles tables. Default= TRUE
(OPTIONAL, multi-threaded mode) The number of threads to use to run Achilles in parallel. Default is 1 thread.
(OPTIONAL, multi-threaded mode) The prefix to use for the scratch Achilles analyses tables. Default is "tmpach"
(OPTIONAL, multi-threaded mode) TRUE = drop the scratch tables (may take time depending on dbms), FALSE = leave them in place for later removal.
Boolean to determine if Achilles should be fully executed. TRUE = just generate SQL files, don't actually run, FALSE = run Achilles
Path to store logs and SQL files
Boolean to determine if the console will show all execution steps. Default = TRUE
Boolean to determine if the atlas cache has to be optimized. Default = FALSE
Boolean to determine if only default analyses should be run. Including non-default analyses is substantially more resource intensive. Default = TRUE
Boolean to determine whether to preserve the results of the
analyses NOT specified with the analysisIds
parameter. To
update only analyses specified by analysisIds
, set
createTable = FALSE and updateGivenAnalysesOnly = TRUE. By default,
updateGivenAnalysesOnly = FALSE, to preserve the original behavior
of Achilles when supplied analysisIds
(OPTIONAL) A vector containing the set of Achilles analyses to exclude.
(OPTIONAL) String to be used when specifying sqlOnly = TRUE and
NOT supplying the connectionDetails
if the connectionDetails
parameter is supplied, sqlDialect
is ignored. If the connectionDetails
parameter is not supplied,
must be supplied to enable SqlRender
to translate properly. sqlDialect
takes the value normally
supplied to connectionDetails$dbms. Default = NULL.
An object of type achillesResults
containing details for connecting to the database
containing the results
creates descriptive statistics summary for an entire OMOP CDM instance.
if (FALSE) {
connectionDetails <- createConnectionDetails(dbms = "sql server", server = "some_server")
achillesResults <- achilles(connectionDetails = connectionDetails,
cdmDatabaseSchema = "cdm",
resultsDatabaseSchema = "results",
scratchDatabaseSchema = "scratch",
sourceName = "Some Source",
cdmVersion = "5.3",
numThreads = 10,
outputFolder = "output")