Automatically find and compute analyses that haven't been executed.
resultsDatabaseSchema = cdmDatabaseSchema,
scratchDatabaseSchema = resultsDatabaseSchema,
vocabDatabaseSchema = cdmDatabaseSchema,
tempEmulationSchema = resultsDatabaseSchema,
outputFolder = "output",
defaultAnalysesOnly = TRUE
An R object of type connectionDetails
created using the
function createConnectionDetails
in the
Fully qualified name of database schema that contains OMOP CDM schema. On SQL Server, this should specifiy both the database and the schema, so for example, on SQL Server, 'cdm_instance.dbo'.
Fully qualified name of database schema that we can write final results to. Default is cdmDatabaseSchema. On SQL Server, this should specifiy both the database and the schema, so for example, on SQL Server, 'cdm_results.dbo'.
Fully qualified name of the database schema that will store all of the intermediate scratch tables, so for example, on SQL Server, 'cdm_scratch.dbo'. Must be accessible to/from the cdmDatabaseSchema and the resultsDatabaseSchema. Default is resultsDatabaseSchema. Making this "#" will run Achilles in single-threaded mode and use temporary tables instead of permanent tables.
String name of database schema that contains OMOP Vocabulary. Default is cdmDatabaseSchema. On SQL Server, this should specifiy both the database and the schema, so for example 'results.dbo'.
Formerly tempEmulationSchema. For databases like Oracle where you must specify the name of the database schema where you want all temporary tables to be managed. Requires create/insert permissions to this database.
Path to store logs and SQL files
Boolean to determine if only default analyses should be run. Including non-default analyses is substantially more resource intensive. Default = TRUE
No return value. Run to execute analyses currently missing from results.
if (FALSE) {
Achilles::runMissingAnalyses(connectionDetails = connectionDetails,
cdmDatabaseSchema = "cdm",
resultsDatabaseSchema = "results",
outputFolder = "/tmp")