creates a fastBAR Cyclops prior object for use with fitCyclopsModel
penalty = 0,
exclude = c(),
forceIntercept = FALSE,
fitBestSubset = FALSE,
initialRidgeVariance = 10000,
tolerance = 1e-08,
maxIterations = 10000,
threshold = 1e-06
Specifies the BAR penalty
A vector of numbers or covariateId names to exclude from prior
Logical: Force intercept coefficient into regularization
Logical: Fit final subset with no regularization
Numeric: variance used for algorithm initiation
Numeric: maximum abs change in coefficient estimates from successive iterations to achieve convergence
Numeric: maximum iterations to achieve convergence
Numeric: absolute threshold at which to force coefficient to 0
A BAR Cyclops prior object of class inheriting from
for use with fitCyclopsModel