
There are currently two approaches to run Cohort Diagnostics. - Embed in an OHDSI study package, where all the cohort definitions are stored as part of that study package, or - WebAPi mode - where cohort diagnostics dynamically pulls the cohort definition from a webapi instance. WebAPI is the backend of the OHDSI ATLAS application, allowing programmatic access to the cohort definitions created in ATLAS.

This vignette describes the latter approach (webapi): how to run CohortDiagnostics using the WebAPI.

Running the cohort diagnostics

Defining the set of cohorts to diagnose

The first step is to define the set of cohorts we wish to create diagnostics for. We do this by creating a data frame with four columns:

  • atlasId: The cohort ID in ATLAS.
  • atlasName: The full name of the cohort. This will be shown in the Shiny app.
  • cohortId: The cohort ID to use in the package. Usually the same as the cohort ID in ATLAS.
  • name: A short name for the cohort, to use to create file names. do not use special characters.

One way to create such a data frame is to create a CSV file, and load it into R. Here is an example table we assume is stored in cohortsToDiagnose.csv:

atlasId atlasName cohortId name
1770710 New users of ACE inhibitors as first-line monotherapy for hypertension 1770710 ace_inhibitors
1770711 New users of Thiazide-like diuretics as first-line monotherapy for hypertension 1770711 thz
1770712 Angioedema outcome 1770712 angioedema
1770713 Acute myocardial infarction outcome 1770713 ami

We can read the table using

cohortSetReference <- read.csv("cohortsToDiagnose.csv")

An easy way to create this csv file is to use ROhdsiWebApi

# Set up
baseUrl <- Sys.getenv("BaseUrl")
# list of cohort ids
cohortIds <- c(18345,18346)

# get specifications for the cohortIds above
webApiCohorts <-
        ROhdsiWebApi::getCohortDefinitionsMetaData(baseUrl = baseUrl) %>%
        dplyr::filter(.data$id %in% cohortIds)

cohortsToCreate <- list()
for (i in (1:nrow(webApiCohorts))) {
  cohortId <- webApiCohorts$id[[i]]
  cohortDefinition <-
    ROhdsiWebApi::getCohortDefinition(cohortId = cohortId, 
                                      baseUrl = baseUrl)
  cohortsToCreate[[i]] <- tidyr::tibble(
    atlasId = webApiCohorts$id[[i]],
    atlasName = stringr::str_trim(string = stringr::str_squish(cohortDefinition$name)),
    cohortId = webApiCohorts$id[[i]],
    name = stringr::str_trim(stringr::str_squish(cohortDefinition$name))
cohortsToCreate <- dplyr::bind_rows(cohortsToCreate)

readr::write_excel_csv(x = cohortsToCreate, na = "", 
                       file = "D:/temp/CohortsToCreate.csv", 
                       append = FALSE)

See Vignette on ‘Running Cohort Diagnostics’ on how to connect cohort diagnostics to CDM and creating cohort table.

Instantiating the cohorts

To instantiate the cohorts we specified in the cohortSetReference we need to communicate with the WebAPI instance, as well as the database server.

To connect to the WebAPI, we need to provide the base URL. This is a URL that looks something like “”. If you do not know the WebAPI’s base URL, contact the ATLAS administrator. Note: there is no trailing ‘/’.

To instantiate the cohorts:

baseUrl <- ""
inclusionStatisticsFolder <- "c:/temp/incStats"

instantiateCohortSet(connectionDetails = connectionDetails,
                     cdmDatabaseSchema = cdmDatabaseSchema,
                     tempEmulationSchema = tempEmulationSchema,
                     cohortDatabaseSchema = cohortDatabaseSchema,
                     cohortTable = cohortTable,
                     baseUrl = baseUrl,
                     cohortSetReference = cohortSetReference,
                     generateInclusionStats = TRUE,
                     inclusionStatisticsFolder = inclusionStatisticsFolder)

This command will contact the WebApi to obtain the cohort definitions, instantiate them in the cohort table, and write the inclusion rule statistics to the specified folder.

Generating the diagnostics in WebApi mode

Next we generate the cohort diagnostics:

databaseId <- "MyData"
exportFolder <- "c:/temp/export"

runCohortDiagnostics(baseUrl = baseUrl,
                     cohortSetReference = cohortSetReference,
                     connectionDetails = connectionDetails,
                     cdmDatabaseSchema = cdmDatabaseSchema,
                     tempEmulationSchema = tempEmulationSchema,
                     cohortDatabaseSchema = cohortDatabaseSchema,
                     cohortTable = cohortTable,
                     inclusionStatisticsFolder = inclusionStatisticsFolder,
                     exportFolder = exportFolder,
                     databaseId = databaseId,
                     runInclusionStatistics = TRUE,
                     runIncludedSourceConcepts = TRUE,
                     runOrphanConcepts = TRUE,
                     runTimeDistributions = TRUE,
                     runBreakdownIndexEvents = TRUE,
                     runIncidenceRate = TRUE,
                     runCohortOverlap = TRUE,
                     runCohortCharacterization = TRUE,
                     minCellCount = 5)

The databaseId is a short string that will be used to identify the data from this database in the Shiny app. Make sure to give it a name you can easily recognize.

Incremental mode

Although possible, we don’t recommend using incremental mode in WebApi mode, as the cohort definitions may change in the target webapi instance.