Returns the result of a query as a data frame. dbGetQuery() comes with a default implementation (which should work with most backends) that calls dbSendQuery(), then dbFetch(), ensuring that the result is always free-d by dbClearResult(). For retrieving chunked/paged results or for passing query parameters, see dbSendQuery(), in particular the "The data retrieval flow" section.

# S4 method for DatabaseConnectorConnection,character
dbGetQuery(conn, statement, translate = TRUE, ...)



A DBIConnection object, as returned by dbConnect().


a character string containing SQL.


Translate the query using SqlRender?


Other parameters passed on to methods.


dbGetQuery() always returns a data.frame

with as many rows as records were fetched and as many columns as fields in the result set, even if the result is a single value or has one or zero rows.


This method is for SELECT queries only (incl. other SQL statements that return a SELECT-alike result, e. g. execution of a stored procedure or data manipulation queries like INSERT INTO ... RETURNING ...). To execute a stored procedure that does not return a result set, use dbExecute().

Some backends may support data manipulation statements through this method for compatibility reasons. However, callers are strongly advised to use dbExecute() for data manipulation statements.