This function returns a list of all tables in a database schema.
getTableNames(connection, databaseSchema = NULL, cast = "lower")
The connection to the database server created using either
or DBI::dbConnect()
The name of the database schema. See details for platform-specific details.
Should the table names be cast to uppercase or lowercase before being returned? Valid options are "upper" , "lower" (default), "none" (no casting is done)
A character vector of table names.
The databaseSchema
argument is interpreted differently according to the different platforms:
SQL Server and PDW: The databaseSchema schema should specify both the database and the schema, e.g.
'my_database.dbo'. Impala: the databaseSchema should specify the database. Oracle:
The databaseSchema should specify the Oracle 'user'. All other : The databaseSchema should
specify the schema.