This function renders, translates, and executes SQL consisting of one or more statements.
The connection to the database server created using either
or DBI::dbConnect()
The SQL to be executed
When true, each separate statement is written to file prior to sending to the server, and the time taken to execute a statement is displayed.
When true, a progress bar is shown based on the statements in the SQL code.
When true, the function will display the overall time taken to execute all statements.
The file where an error report will be written if an error occurs. Defaults to 'errorReportSql.txt' in the current working directory.
When true the SQL statements are sent to the server as a single batch, and executed there. This will be faster if you have many small SQL statements, but there will be no progress bar, and no per-statement error messages. If the database platform does not support batched updates the query is executed as ordinarily.
DEPRECATED: use tempEmulationSchema
Some database platforms like Oracle and Impala do not truly support temp tables. To emulate temp tables, provide a schema with write privileges where temp tables can be created.
Parameters that will be used to render the SQL.
This function calls the render
and translate
functions in the SqlRender
package before
calling executeSql()
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
connectionDetails <- createConnectionDetails(
dbms = "postgresql",
server = "localhost",
user = "root",
password = "blah",
schema = "cdm_v4"
conn <- connect(connectionDetails)
sql = "SELECT * INTO #temp FROM @schema.person;",
schema = "cdm_synpuf"
} # }