outputFileName = "metadata",
siteName = NA,
siteOHDSIParticipation = NA,
siteOHDSIRunPackage = NA,
siteSponsoredStudy = NA,
dataFullName = NA,
dataShortName = NA,
dataContactName = NA,
dataContactEmail = NA,
dataDoiType = NA,
governanceTime = NA,
dataProvenance = NA,
refreshTime = NA
The output folder location where the csv with the metadata should be saved
The name of the file to be written. Default is metadata.csv
The name of the site or institution that owns or licenses the data.
Yes/No if the site contributed to an OHDSI study in the past
Yes/No if site has someone who can run and/or debug an OHDSI study package
The full name of the database
The short name or nickname of the database
The name of the person who should be contacted in the event this database is identified as a good candidate for a study
The email address of the person who should be contacted in the event this database is identified as a good candidate for a study
The type of data object identifier (DOI) the database has. Options are "DOI", "CURIE", "ARK", "Other",
How long (in weeks) it typically takes to receive approval to run a study on this database
The type(s) of data that are present in your database. Options are "Electronic Health Records", "Administrative Claims", "Disease-specific Registry", "Wearable or Sensor Data", "Other".
How often the data are refreshed