Package overview

Summary of package functions

Function details

Use of other programming languages

Style adherence, syntax errors and possible semantic issues




Dependency review

Check dependencies against whitelist

## All dependencies are approved.

Dependency characteristics

  • countVertices: The amount of recursive dependencies ResultModelManager depends on.
  • countEdges: The total amount of imports of all dependencies.
  • meanDegree: The average amount of imports per dependency.
  • meanDistance: The average dependency layers between ResultModelManager and all other recursive dependencies.

Function use per dependency

Further reading

Style Guide

The styling is based on the following style guide:

Cyclomatic Complexity

Cyclomatic Complexity is a software metric used to indicate the complexity of a program. It is a quantitative measure of the number of linearly independent paths through a program’s source code. It was developed by Thomas J. McCabe, Sr. in 1976.

And is calculated as follows: \(M = E - N + 2P\)

The complexity score is interpreted as follows:

  • 1-10 Simple procedure, little risk
  • 11-20 More complex, moderate risk
  • 21-50 Complex, high risk
  • >50 Untestable code, very high risk

link, 2023-02-10