Create an R list with the config specification
moduleId = "about",
tabName = "About",
shinyModulePackage = "OhdsiShinyModules",
shinyModulePackageVersion = "3.0.0",
moduleUiFunction = "aboutViewer",
moduleServerFunction = "aboutServer",
moduleInfoBoxFile = "aboutHelperFile()",
moduleIcon = "info",
installSource = "CRAN",
gitHubRepo = NULL
The shiny id for the tab containing the module UI
The name of the tab in the shiny app (this will be the side menu button text)
The R package to find the server and UI functions
The minimum version of the shinyModulePackage
The name of the UI function in the R package shinyModulePackage
The name of the server function in the R package shinyModulePackage
The function in the R package shinyModulePackage that contains info text
The icon to use for the side menu button
Either CRAN or github specifying where to install shinyModulePackage from
If installSource is github then this is the github repo containing the package e.g., 'ohdsi'
An R list with the module config settings
User specifies the settings to create a config for a module