Create a shiny app for a shiny server
resultDatabaseSettings = createDefaultResultDatabaseSettings(),
connectionDetails = NULL,
usePooledConnection = TRUE,
studyDescription = NULL,
title = "OHDSI Analysis Viewer",
protocolLink = "",
themePackage = "OhdsiShinyAppBuilder",
reportSummaryDetails = NULL
The json with the app config
A connection to the results
A list with the result schema and table prefixes
A DatabaseConnector::connectionDetails connection to the results database
Use a pooled database connection or not - set to true for multi-user environments (default)
A human-readable character string describing the study/analysis
The title for the app. Defaults to: OHDSI Analysis Viewer
A link to a site containing the study protocol
A package containing custom theme elements
NULL or a data.frame with the columns reportName and reportLocation
Shiny app instance
User specifies the json config and connection