Create age covariate settings
ageKnots = 5,
allowRegularization = FALSE,
computeConfidenceIntervals = FALSE
If a single number is provided this is assumed to indicate the number of knots to use for the spline, and the knots are automatically spaced according to equal percentiles of the data. If more than one number is provided these are assumed to be the exact location of the knots in age-days
When fitting the model, should the covariates defined here be allowed to be regularized?
Should confidence intervals be computed for the covariates
defined here? Setting this to FALSE might save computing time
when fitting the model. Will be turned to FALSE automatically
when allowRegularization = TRUE
An object of type AgeCovariateSettings
Create an object specifying whether and how age should be included in the model. Age can be included by splitting patient time into calendar months. During a month, the relative risk attributed to age is assumed to be constant, and the risk from month to month is modeled using a quadratic spline.