Create an R list with the config specification
moduleId = "about",
tabName = "About",
shinyModulePackage = "OhdsiShinyModules",
moduleUiFunction = "aboutViewer",
moduleServerFunction = "aboutServer",
moduleInfoBoxFile = "aboutHelperFile()",
moduleIcon = "info"
The shiny id for the tab containing the module UI
The name of the tab in the shiny app (this will be the side menu button text)
The R package to find the server and UI functions
The name of the UI function in the R package shinyModulePackage
The name of the server function in the R package shinyModulePackage
The function in the R package shinyModulePackage that contains info text
The icon to use for the side menu button
An R list with the module config settings
User specifies the settings to create a config for a module