List the target dialects supported by the translate function.



A data frame with two columns. The 'dialect' column contains the abbreviation used in SqlRender, and the 'description' column contains a more human-readable description.


#>            dialect                       description
#> 1       sql server              Microsoft SQL Server
#> 2           oracle                            Oracle
#> 3       postgresql                        PostgreSQL
#> 4              pdw Microsoft Parallel Data Warehouse
#> 5           impala                     Apache Impala
#> 6          netezza                       IBM Netezza
#> 7         bigquery                   Google BigQuery
#> 8            spark                      Apache Spark
#> 9           sqlite                            SQLite
#> 10        redshift                   Amazon RedShift
#> 11            hive                       Apache Hive
#> 12 sqlite extended            SQLite Extended Syntax
#> 13          duckdb                            DuckDB
#> 14       snowflake                         Snowflake
#> 15         synapse Azure Synapse Analytics Dedicated