
0 rows


CohortGeneratorModule: Negative control outcome cohort definitions


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
cohort_id Unknown 0 null

The cohort identifier for the negative control outcome

cohort_name Unknown 0 null

The concept name for the negative control outcome

detect_on_descendants Unknown 0 null

When set to 1 detect_on_descendants used the vocabulary to find negative control outcomes using the outcome_concept_id and all descendants via the concept_ancestor table. When set to 0 only the exact outcome_concept_id was used to detect the outcome

occurrence_type Unknown 0 null

The occurrenceType will detect either: the first time an outcomeConceptId occurs or all times the outcome_concept_id occurs for a person. Values accepted: ‘all’ or ‘first’

outcome_concept_id Unknown 0 null

The concept ID for the negative control outcome
