
0 rows


PatientLevelPredictionModule: Demographic summary


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
age_group Unknown 0 null

The age group of interest

average_predicted_probability Unknown 0 null

the mean predicted risk

evaluation Unknown 0 null

The type of evalaution (test/train/CV)

gen_group Unknown 0 null

The gender of interest

max_predicted_probability Unknown 0 null

the max predicted risk

min_predicted_probability Unknown 0 null

the min predicted risk

p_25_predicted_probability Unknown 0 null

the 25% quantile of predicted risk

p_50_predicted_probability Unknown 0 null

The median predicted risk

p_75_predicted_probability Unknown 0 null

the 75% quantile of predicted risk

performance_id Unknown 0 null

The corresponding performance id

person_count_at_risk Unknown 0 null

The number of target patients with the age/gender of interest

person_count_with_outcome Unknown 0 null

The number of target patients with the age/gender of interest who also have the outcome during TAR

st_dev_predicted_probability Unknown 0 null

the standard deviation of the predicted risk
