
0 rows


SelfControlledCaseSeriesModule: Diagnostic summary


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
analysis_id Unknown 0 null
sccs_result.analysis_id Defined in XML R
sccs_analysis.analysis_id Defined in XML R
sccs_covariate.analysis_id Defined in XML R

A foreign key referencing the sccs_analysis table.

covariate_id Unknown 0 null
sccs_result.covariate_id Defined in XML R
sccs_covariate.covariate_id Defined in XML R

The identifier for the covariate of interest.

database_id Unknown 0 null
sccs_result.database_id Defined in XML R
sccs_covariate.database_id Defined in XML R
database_meta_data.database_id Defined in XML R

Foreign key referencing the database.

ease Unknown 0 null

The expected absolute systematic error.

ease_diagnostic Unknown 0 null

Pass / warning / fail / not evaluated classification of the EASE diagnostic.

exposures_outcome_set_id Unknown 0 null
sccs_result.exposures_outcome_set_id Defined in XML R
sccs_exposures_outcome_set.exposures_outcome_set_id Defined in XML R
sccs_covariate.exposures_outcome_set_id Defined in XML R

A foreign key referencing the sccs_exposures_outcome_set table.

mdrr Unknown 0 null

The minimum detectable relative risk.

mdrr_diagnostic Unknown 0 null

Pass / warning / fail / not evaluated classification of the MDRR diagnostic.

pre_exposure_diagnostic Unknown 0 null

Pass / warning / fail / not evaluated classification of the time trend (unstalbe months) diagnostic.

pre_exposure_p Unknown 0 null

One-sided p-value for whether the rate before expore is higher than after, against the null of no difference.

time_trend_diagnostic Unknown 0 null

Pass / warning / fail / not evaluated classification of the time trend (unstalbe months) diagnostic.

time_trend_p Unknown 0 null

The p for whether the mean monthly ratio between observed and expected is no greater than 1.25.

unblind Unknown 0 null

Is unblinding the result recommended? (1 = yes, 0 = no)

unblind_for_evidence_synthesis Unknown 0 null

Is unblinding the result for inclusion in evidence synthesis recommended? This ignores the MDRR diagnostic. (1 = yes, 0 = no)
