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This function adds specified vocabulary tables to a CDM object. It can either populate the tables with provided data frames or initialize empty tables if no data is provided. This is useful for setting up a testing environment with controlled vocabulary data.


  cdm = mockCdmReference(),
  vocabularySet = "mock",
  cdmSource = NULL,
  concept = NULL,
  vocabulary = NULL,
  conceptRelationship = NULL,
  conceptSynonym = NULL,
  conceptAncestor = NULL,
  drugStrength = NULL



A `cdm_reference` object that serves as the base structure for adding vocabulary tables. This should be an existing or a newly created CDM object, typically initialized without any vocabulary tables.


A character string that specifies a prefix or a set name used to initialize mock data tables. This allows for customization of the source data or structure names when generating vocabulary tables.


An optional data frame representing the CDM source table. If provided, it will be used directly; otherwise, a mock table will be generated based on the `vocabularySet` prefix.


An optional data frame representing the concept table. If provided, it will be used directly; if NULL, a mock table will be generated.


An optional data frame representing the vocabulary table. If provided, it will be used directly; if NULL, a mock table will be generated.


An optional data frame representing the concept relationship table. If provided, it will be used directly; if NULL, a mock table will be generated.


An optional data frame representing the concept synonym table. If provided, it will be used directly; if NULL, a mock table will be generated.


An optional data frame representing the concept ancestor table. If provided, it will be used directly; if NULL, a mock table will be generated.


An optional data frame representing the drug strength table. If provided, it will be used directly; if NULL, a mock table will be generated.


Returns the modified `cdm` object with the new or provided vocabulary tables added.



# Create a mock CDM reference and populate it with mock vocabulary tables
cdm <- mockCdmReference() |> mockVocabularyTables(vocabularySet = "mock")

# View the names of the tables added to the CDM
#> [1] "person"               "observation_period"   "cdm_source"          
#> [4] "concept"              "vocabulary"           "concept_relationship"
#> [7] "concept_synonym"      "concept_ancestor"     "drug_strength"