Create detailed temporal covariate settings

  analyses = list(),
  temporalStartDays = -365:-1,
  temporalEndDays = -365:-1



A list of analysis detail objects as created using createAnalysisDetails.


A list of integers representing the start of a time period, relative to the index date. 0 indicates the index date, -1 indicates the day before the index date, etc. The start day is included in the time period.


A list of integers representing the end of a time period, relative to the index date. 0 indicates the index date, -1 indicates the day before the index date, etc. The end day is included in the time period.


An object of type covariateSettings, to be used in other functions.


creates an object specifying in detail how temporal covariates should be constructed from data in the CDM model. Warning: this function is for advanced users only.


# \donttest{
analysisDetails <- createAnalysisDetails(
  analysisId = 1,
  sqlFileName = "DemographicsGender.sql",
  parameters = list(
    analysisId = 1,
    analysisName = "Gender",
    domainId = "Demographics"
  includedCovariateConceptIds = c(),
  addDescendantsToInclude = FALSE,
  excludedCovariateConceptIds = c(),
  addDescendantsToExclude = FALSE,
  includedCovariateIds = c()
covSettings <- createDetailedTemporalCovariateSettings(
  analyses = analysisDetails,
  temporalStartDays = -365:-1,
  temporalEndDays = -365:-1
# }