Using checkmate
to check function input.
Adding packageCustomBenchmarkResults()
to support custom methods benchmarks.
Fixing seeds and setting resetCoefficients = TRUE
to ensure reproducibility of positive control synthesis.
Updating from oracleTempSchema
to tempEmulationSchema
for newer versions of SqlRender.
Added unit tests.
Added ‘ohdsiDevelopment’ reference set, intended to be used when developing methods. This set is based on 76 negative controls from the LEGEND Hypertension study.
Now generating cohort counts when generating reference set cohorts.
Fixed error during positive control synthesis for platforms using oracleTempSchema
Adding initial support for 64-bit integer covariate and cohort IDs.Still requires this issue to be resolved.
Dropping orphan concept and source concept functions, as these are now implemented much better in the CohortDiagnostics packages.
Replacing ff with Andromeda for storage of large data objects.
Renamed synthesizePositiveControls to synthesizeReferenceSetPositiveControls, injectSignals to synthesizePositiveControls, and changed addExposureDaysToEnd to endAnchor.
Dropping individual metric function. The computeMetrics function now computes the standard set of metrics.
Added checkCohortSourceCodes and findOrphanSourceCodes functions.