function. These negative controls can form the basis to generate positive controls using the injectSignals
The OHDSI Method Evaluation Benchmark - Negative Controls
A set of 200 negative controls, centered around four outcomes of interest (acute pancreatitis, GI
bleeding, Stroke, and IBD), and 4 exposures of interest (diclofenac, ciprofloxacin, metformin, and
sertraline), which 25 negative controls each. Each drug-outcome pair also includes a comparator
drug (where the comparator is also a negative control), allowing for evaluation of comparative
effect estimation, and a nesting cohort for evaluating methods such as the nested case-control
The exposure, outcome, and nesting cohorts can be created using the
These negative controls can form the basis to generate positive controls using the
A data frame with 200 rows and 9 variables:
Cohort ID identifying the target exposure
Name of the target cohort
Cohort ID identifying the comparator exposure
Name of the comparator cohort
Cohort ID identifying the nesting cohort
Name of the nesting cohort
Cohort ID identifying the outcome
Name of the outcome
THe type of control: exposure or outcome
A semi-colon separated list of concept IDs that together form the target exposure definitions.
A semi-colon separated list of concept IDs that together form the comparator exposure definitions.