Stores the results of a method on the OHDSI Methods Benchmark in a standardized format, for example for use in the Method Evaluation Shiny app.

  referenceSet = "ohdsiMethodsBenchmark"



A data frame containing the estimates. See details for required columns.


A data frame with the summary of the controls as generated by the synthesizeReferenceSetPositiveControls function.


A file describing the various analyses that were performed. See details for required columns.


A character string to identify the database the method was executed on.


The folder where the output CSV files will written.


The name of the reference set for which to package the results. Currently supported are "ohdsiMethodsBenchmark" and "ohdsiDevelopment".


The estimates argument should have the following columns: "targetId", "outcomeId", "analysisId", "logRr", "seLogRr", "ci95Lb", "ci95Ub". The analysisRef argument should have the following columns: "analysisId", "method", "comparative", "nesting", "firstExposureOnly" The targetId and outcomeId fields identify the specific control, and should correspond to those in the controlSummary object. The analysisId field is an integer that identifies a specific variant of the method. For example, if the method is 'CohortMethod', analysisId = 1 could identify a set of settings using propensity score matching, and analysisId = 2 could identify a set of settings using stratification. logRr, seLogRr, ci95Lb, and ci95Ub correspond to the log of the effect estimate (e.g. the hazard ratio), the standard error, and the upper and lower bound of the effect size estimate, as produced by the method. method is a character string identifying the method (e.g. "CohortMethod"). comparative is a boolean indicating whether the analysis can also be considered to perform comparative effect estimation (comparing the target to the comparator). nesting is a boolean indicating whether the analysis is nested in the nesting cohorts identified in the gold standard. firstExposureOnly is a boolean indicating whether only the first exposure was used in the analysis.