Constrained Predictors
Jenna Reps
Constrained Predictors
How to use the PhenotypeLibrary R package
Here we provide a set of phenotypes that can be used as predictors in prediction models or best practice research.
These phenotypes can be extracted from the PhenotypeLibrary R package. To install the R package run:
To extract the cohort definition for Alcoholism with an id of 1165, just run:
in general you can extract all the cohorts by running:
phenotypeDefinitions <- PhenotypeLibrary::getPlCohortDefinitionSet(1152:1215)
The full set of predictor phenotypes
Phenotype Name | Disorder classification | OHDSI Phenotype library ID |
Alcoholism | Behavioral | 1165 |
Smoking | Behavioral | 1166 |
Anemia | Blood | 1188 |
Osteoarthritis | Bone | 1184 |
Osteoporosis | Bone | 1185 |
Cancer | Cancer | 1215 |
Atrial fibrillation | Cardiovascular | 1160 |
Congestive heart failure | Cardiovascular | 1154 |
Coronary artery disease | Cardiovascular | 1162 |
Heart valve disorder | Cardiovascular | 1172 |
Hyperlipidemia | Cardiovascular | 1170 |
Hypertension | Cardiovascular | 1198 |
Angina | Cardiovascular | 1159 |
Skin Ulcer | Debility | 1168 |
Diabetes type 1 | Endocrine | 1193 |
Diabetes type 2 | Endocrine | 1194 |
Hypothyroidism | Endocrine | 1171 |
Obesity | Endocrine | 1179 |
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) | GI | 1178 |
Gastrointestinal (GI) bleed | GI | 1197 |
Inflammatory bowel disorder (IBD) | GI/Rheumatology | 1180 |
Hormonal contraceptives | Gynecologic | 1190 |
Antibiotics Aminoglycosides | Infection | 1201 |
Antibiotics Carbapenems | Infection | 1202 |
Antibiotics Cephalosporins | Infection | 1203 |
Antibiotics Fluoroquinolones | Infection | 1204 |
Antibiotics Glycopeptides and lipoglycopeptides | Infection | 1205 |
Antibiotics Macrolides | Infection | 1206 |
Antibiotics Monobactams | Infection | 1207 |
Antibiotics Oxazolidinones | Infection | 1208 |
Antibiotics Penicillins | Infection | 1209 |
Antibiotics Polypeptides | Infection | 1210 |
Antibiotics Rifamycins | Infection | 1211 |
Antibiotics Sulfonamides | Infection | 1212 |
Antibiotics Streptogramins | Infection | 1213 |
Antibiotics Tetracyclines | Infection | 1214 |
Pneumonia | Infection/Respiratory | 1199 |
Sepsis | Infection | 1176 |
Urinary tract infection (UTI) | Infection | 1186 |
Hepatitis | Liver | 1169 |
Anxiety | Mood | 1189 |
Depression (MDD) | Mood | 1161 |
Psychotic disorder | Mood | 1175 |
Antiepileptics (pain) | Neurology/Pain | 1183 |
Seizure | Neurology | 1153 |
Hemorrhagic stroke | Neurology/Vascular | 1156 |
Non-hemorrhagic stroke | Neurology/Vascular | 1155 |
Acetaminophen prescription | Pain/Infection | 1187 |
Low back pain | Pain | 1173 |
Neuropathy | Pain/Neurology | 1174 |
Opioids | Pain | 1182 |
Acute kidney injury | Kidney | 1163 |
Chronic kidney disease | Kidney | 1191 |
Asthma | Respiratory | 1164 |
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD) | Respiratory | 1192 |
Dyspnea | Respiratory | 1195 |
Respiratory failure | Respiratory | 1177 |
Sleep apnea | Respiratory | 1167 |
Rheumatoid arthritis | Rheumatology | 1200 |
Steroids | Rheumatology/Pain/Pulmonary | 1181 |
Peripheral vascular disease | Vascular | 1157 |
Aspirin | Vascular | 1158 |
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) | Vascular | 1152 |
Edema | Vascular | 1196 |