Plot the outcome incidence over time
populationSettings = createStudyPopulationSettings(binary = T, includeAllOutcomes = T,
firstExposureOnly = FALSE, washoutPeriod = 0, removeSubjectsWithPriorOutcome = TRUE,
priorOutcomeLookback = 99999, requireTimeAtRisk = F, riskWindowStart = 1, startAnchor
= "cohort start", riskWindowEnd = 3650, endAnchor = "cohort start"),
riskTable = T,
confInt = T,
yLabel = "Fraction of those who are outcome free in target population"
The plpData object returned by running getPlpData()
The cohort id corresponding to the outcome
The population settings created using createStudyPopulationSettings
(binary) Whether to include a table at the bottom of the plot showing the number of people at risk over time
(binary) Whether to include a confidence interval
(string) The label for the y-axis
TRUE if it ran
This creates a survival plot that can be used to pick a suitable time-at-risk period