Calculate the permutation feature importance for a PLP model.
repeats = 1,
covariates = NULL,
cores = NULL,
log = NULL,
logthreshold = "INFO"
An object of type runPlp
The population created using createStudyPopulation() who will have their risks predicted
An object of type plpData
- the patient level prediction
data extracted from the CDM.
The number of times to permute each covariate
A vector of covariates to calculate the pfi for. If NULL it uses all covariates included in the model.
Number of cores to use when running this (it runs in parallel)
A location to save the log for running pfi
The log threshold (e.g., INFO, TRACE, ...)
A dataframe with the covariateIds and the pfi (change in AUC caused by permuting the covariate) value
The function permutes the each covariate/features <repeats> times and calculates the mean AUC change caused by the permutation.