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Plot the Observed vs. expected incidence, by age and gender


  typeColumn = "evaluation",
  saveLocation = NULL,
  fileName = "roc.png"



A plp result object as generated using the runPlp function.


The name of the column specifying the evaluation type


Directory to save plot (if NULL plot is not saved)


Name of the file to save to plot, for example 'plot.png'. See the function ggsave in the ggplot2 package for supported file formats.


A ggplot object. Use the ggsave function to save to file in a different format.


Create a plot showing the Observed vs. expected incidence, by age and gender #'


# \donttest{
plpData <- simulatePlpData(simulationProfile, n=1000)
#> Generating covariates
#> Generating cohorts
#> Generating outcomes
saveLoc <- file.path(tempdir(), "plotDemographicSummary")
plpResult <- runPlp(plpData, outcomeId = 3, saveDirectory = saveLoc)
#> Use timeStamp: TRUE
#> Creating save directory at: /tmp/RtmpPJeNgk/plotDemographicSummary/2025-02-17-3
#> Currently in a tryCatch or withCallingHandlers block, so unable to add global calling handlers. ParallelLogger will not capture R messages, errors, and warnings, only explicit calls to ParallelLogger. (This message will not be shown again this R session)
#> Patient-Level Prediction Package version 6.4.0
#> Study started at: 2025-02-17 17:02:51.441872
#> AnalysisID:         2025-02-17-3
#> AnalysisName:       Study details
#> TargetID:           1
#> OutcomeID:          3
#> Cohort size:        1000
#> Covariates:         98
#> Creating population
#> Outcome is 0 or 1
#> Population created with: 961 observations, 961 unique subjects and 422 outcomes
#> Population created in 0.0461 secs
#> seed: 123
#> Creating a 25% test and 75% train (into 3 folds) random stratified split by class
#> Data split into 239 test cases and 722 train cases (241, 241, 240)
#> Data split in 0.235 secs
#> Train Set:
#> Fold 1 241 patients with 106 outcomes - Fold 2 241 patients with 106 outcomes - Fold 3 240 patients with 105 outcomes
#> 69 covariates in train data
#> Test Set:
#> 239 patients with 105 outcomes
#> Removing 1 redundant covariates
#> Removing 0 infrequent covariates
#> Normalizing covariates
#> Tidying covariates took 0.694 secs
#> Train Set:
#> Fold 1 241 patients with 106 outcomes - Fold 2 241 patients with 106 outcomes - Fold 3 240 patients with 105 outcomes
#> 68 covariates in train data
#> Test Set:
#> 239 patients with 105 outcomes
#> Running Cyclops
#> Done.
#> GLM fit status:  OK
#> Creating variable importance data frame
#> Prediction took 0.114 secs
#> Time to fit model: 0.24 secs
#> Removing infrequent and redundant covariates and normalizing
#> Removing infrequent and redundant covariates covariates and normalizing took 0.145 secs
#> Prediction took 0.103 secs
#> Prediction done in: 0.326 secs
#> Calculating Performance for Test
#> =============
#> AUC                 53.62
#> 95% lower AUC:      46.41
#> 95% upper AUC:      60.83
#> AUPRC:              49.96
#> Brier:              0.24
#> Eavg:               0.05
#> Calibration in large- Mean predicted risk 0.443 : observed risk 0.4393
#> Calibration in large- Intercept -0.0957
#> Weak calibration intercept: -0.0957 - gradient:0.6584
#> Hosmer-Lemeshow calibration gradient: 0.88 intercept:         0.02
#> Average Precision:  0.51
#> Calculating Performance for Train
#> =============
#> AUC                 62.42
#> 95% lower AUC:      58.41
#> 95% upper AUC:      66.42
#> AUPRC:              58.29
#> Brier:              0.23
#> Eavg:               0.04
#> Calibration in large- Mean predicted risk 0.4391 : observed risk 0.4391
#> Calibration in large- Intercept 0.0466
#> Weak calibration intercept: 0.0466 - gradient:1.1772
#> Hosmer-Lemeshow calibration gradient: 1.23 intercept:         -0.09
#> Average Precision:  0.59
#> Calculating Performance for CV
#> =============
#> AUC                 57.05
#> 95% lower AUC:      52.77
#> 95% upper AUC:      61.33
#> AUPRC:              53.05
#> Brier:              0.23
#> Eavg:               0.03
#> Calibration in large- Mean predicted risk 0.439 : observed risk 0.4391
#> Calibration in large- Intercept 0.0157
#> Weak calibration intercept: 0.0157 - gradient:1.0604
#> Hosmer-Lemeshow calibration gradient: 1.16 intercept:         -0.10
#> Average Precision:  0.54
#> Time to calculate evaluation metrics: 0.209 secs
#> Calculating covariate summary @ 2025-02-17 17:02:53.420352
#> This can take a while...
#> Creating binary labels
#> Joining with strata
#> calculating subset of strata 1
#> calculating subset of strata 2
#> calculating subset of strata 3
#> calculating subset of strata 4
#> Restricting to subgroup
#> Calculating summary for subgroup TrainWithOutcome
#> Restricting to subgroup
#> Calculating summary for subgroup TrainWithNoOutcome
#> Restricting to subgroup
#> Calculating summary for subgroup TestWithOutcome
#> Restricting to subgroup
#> Calculating summary for subgroup TestWithNoOutcome
#> Aggregating with labels and strata
#> Finished covariate summary @ 2025-02-17 17:02:54.266808
#> Time to calculate covariate summary: 0.847 secs
#> Run finished successfully.
#> Saving PlpResult
#> Creating directory to save model
#> plpResult saved to ..\/tmp/RtmpPJeNgk/plotDemographicSummary/2025-02-17-3\plpResult
#> runPlp time taken: 2.9 secs

# clean up 
unlink(saveLoc, recursive = TRUE)
# }