Characterization 2.1.3
- prepared for CRAN by adding examples, removing getwd(), replacing T/F with TRUE/FALSE and added example data inside package so no download required.
Characterization 2.1.2
- added input ignoreWhenEmpty to cleanIncremental() that does not run incrementalClean if there are no incremental files
Characterization 2.1.0
- risk factors and case series now restrict to first outcome only.
- added documentation describing the different analyses with examples.
Characterization 2.0.1
- edited cohort_type in results to varchar(12)
- fixed setting id being messed up by readr loading
Characterization 2.0.0
- added tests for all HADES supported dbms
- updated minCellCount censoring
- fixed issues with incremental
- made the code more modular to enable new characterizations to be added
- added job optimization code to optimize the distributuion of jobs
- fixed tests and made minor bug updates
Characterization 1.0.0
- Added parallelization in the aggregate covariates analysis
- Extact all results as csv files
- Removed sqlite result creation
- now using ResultModelManager to upload results into database
Characterization 0.3.1
- Removed DatabaseConnector from Remotes in DESCRIPTION. Fixes GitHb issue 38.
- Added check to covariateSettings input in createAggregateCovariateSettings to error if temporal is T
- adding during cohort covariate settings
- added a case covariate settings inputs to aggregate covariates
- added casePreTargetDuration and casePostTreatmentDuration integer inputs to aggregate covariates
Characterization 0.3.0
- Added new outcomeWashoutDays parameter to createAggregateCovariateSettings to remove outcome occurances that are continuations of a prior outcome occurrence
- Changed the way cohort definition ids are created in createAggregateCovariateSettings to use hash of target id, outcome id and type. This lets users combine different studies into a single result database.
- Added database migration capability and created new migrations for the recent updates.
Characterization 0.2.0
Updated dependency to FeatureExtraction (>= 3.5.0) to support minCharacterizationMean paramater.
Characterization 0.1.5
Changed export to csv approach to use batch export from SQLite (#41)
Characterization 0.1.3
Optimized aggregate features to remove T and not Os (as these can be calculated using T and T and Os) - requires latest shiny app though Optimized database extraction to csv
Characterization 0.1.2
Fixing bug where first outcome was still all outcomes Updating shiny app to work with old and new ShinyAppBuilder
Characterization 0.1.0
- added support to enable target cohorts with multiple cohort entries for the aggregate covariate analysis by restricting to first cohort entry and ensuring the subject has a user specified minPriorObservation days observation in the database at first entry and also perform analysis on first outcomes and any outcome that is recorded during TAR.
- added shiny app