
Level: TABLE
Context: Validation
Category: Completeness
Severity: CDM convention ⚠


The number and percent of persons that does not have condition_era built successfully, for all persons in CONDITION_OCCURRENCE.


  • Numerator: Number of unique person_ids that exist in the CONDITION_OCCURRENCE table but not in the CONDITION_ERA table.
  • Denominator: Number of unique person_ids in the CONDITION_OCCURRENCE table.
  • Related CDM Convention(s): Condition Era’s are directly derived from Condition Occurrence.
  • CDM Fields/Tables: CONDITION_ERA
  • Default Threshold Value: 0%

User Guidance

The Condition Era CDM documentation states that the condition era’s should be derived by combining condition occurrences. This implies that each person with a condition occurrence should have at least a condition era. It does NOT clearly state that the CONDITION_ERA table is required when there are condition occurrences. Still, it is has always been a common convention in the OHDSI community to derive condition era. There is currently no THEMIS convention on condition eras.

Violated rows query

FROM @cdmDatabaseSchema.condition_occurrence co
  LEFT JOIN @cdmDatabaseSchema.condition_era cdmTable 
    ON co.person_id = cdmTable.person_id
WHERE cdmTable.person_id IS NULL

ETL Developers

If this check fails, it is likely that there is an issue with the condition era derivation script. Please review the ETL execution log. It might be that this script was not executed and the condition era table is empty, or it had issues running and the condition era table has been partially populated. If no issues with the ETL run found, the condition era derivation script might have bugs. Please review the code. An example script can be found on the CDM Documentation page. In both cases it is advised to truncate the CONDITION_ERA table and rerun the derivation script.

Data Users

The CONDITION_ERA table might seem to contain redundant information, as for most uses the CONDITION_OCCURRENCE table can be used. However, tools like FeatureExtraction use condition eras to build some covariates and network studies might use cohorts that are based on condition eras. It is therefore important that the CONDITION_ERA table is fully populated and captures the same persons as in condition occurrence.