
  1. Upgrading Circe to v1.10.1 and other Java dependencies.


  1. Updates the PLP Skeleton to address bug described in OHDSI/WebAPI#2162


  1. Upgrading Circe to v1.9.4.

  2. Adding ‘generateStats’ argument to jsonArrayToSql and jsonToSql actions.

  3. Adding experimental prepareForOfflineStudyPackageExecution function that will install all dependencies specified in the skeletons so in the future they can be executed without further internet connectivity.

  4. Upgrading comparative effect estimation study skeleton. Now includes evidence synthesis across data sites (also shown in the Shiny app), and confidence interval calibration when no positive controls are synthesized.

  5. Adding a new cohort diagnostics study package skeleton.

  6. Updated skeleton packages which now make use of renv for managing R package dependencies.


  1. Adding skeleton name to JSON if not present at all and user specifies package name when calling hydrate().


  1. Added updated prediction skeleton (v0.0.6)

  2. Fixed oracleTempSchema issue in validation package v0.0.1 plus removed ff dependencies.

  3. Added updated prediction validation skeleton (v1.0.1)


  1. Prevent conversion to scientific notation when hydrating.


  1. Added packageName argument to hydrate() function to override package name in JSON. (Especially useful when name in JSON is null.)

  2. Updating to version 1.8.6 of Circe for generation of cohort SQL.

  3. Added vignette showing how to use the Hydra R package to hydrate study packages.

  4. Updating PLE skeleton to use renv.


  1. Updating prediction and estimation skeletons to use Andromeda instead of ff


  1. Several bugfixes in the ComparativeEffectStudy Shiny app