Generates a presentation from a Strategus result
resultsSchema = NULL,
targetId = 1,
targetName = "target cohort",
cmSubsetId = 2,
sccsSubsetId = NULL,
indicationName = NULL,
outcomeIds = 3,
outcomeNames = "outcome cohort",
comparatorIds = c(2, 4),
comparatorNames = c("comparator cohort 1", "comparator cohort 2"),
covariateIds = NULL,
details = list(studyPeriod = "All Time", restrictions = "Age - None"),
title = "ASSURE 001 ...",
lead = "add name",
date = Sys.Date(),
backgroundText = "",
evaluationText = "",
outputName = paste0("presentation_", gsub(":", "_", gsub(" ", "_",
as.character(date()))), ".html"),
intermediateDir = tempdir()
- server
The server containing the result database
- username
The username for an account that can access the result database
- password
The password for an account that can access the result database
- dbms
The dbms used to access the result database
- resultsSchema
The result database schema
- targetId
The cohort definition id for the target cohort
- targetName
A friendly name for the target cohort
- cmSubsetId
Optional a subset ID for the cohort method/prediction results
- sccsSubsetId
Optional a subset ID for the SCCS and characterization results
- indicationName
A name for the indication if used or NULL
- outcomeIds
The cohort definition id for the outcome
- outcomeNames
Friendly names for the outcomes
- comparatorIds
The cohort method comparator cohort id
- comparatorNames
Friendly names for the comparators
- covariateIds
A vector of covariateIds to include in the characterization
- details
a list with the studyPeriod and restrictions
- title
A title for the presentation
- lead
The name of the presentor
- date
The date of the presentation
- backgroundText
a character with any background text
- evaluationText
a list of bullet points for the evaluation
- outputLocation
The file location and name to save the protocol
- outputName
The name of the html protocol that is created
- intermediateDir
The work directory for quarto