OhdsiShinyModules is part of HADES.
OhdsiShinyModules is an R package containing shiny modules that can be used within shiny result interfaces.
The OHDSI tools often provide shiny interfaces for viewing and exploring results. Many of these shiny apps have overlapping features. To ensure consistency we have created a repository containing useful shiny modules that can be used in multiple result explorers.
Current Modules
- about module: this contains information about the shiny viewer and the types of OHDSI analyses.
- cohort diagnostics module: a module for exploring CohortDiagnostics results.
- characterization module: a module for exploring Characterization and CohortIncidence results.
- estimation module: a module for exploring CohortMethod, SelfControlledCaseSeries and EvidenceSynthesis results.
- prediction module: a module for exploring patient-level prediction results that were developed usign the OHDSI PatientLevelPrediction package.
- report module: a module that uses ReportGenerator to create a report based on user specified inputs.
See the instructions here for configuring your R environment, including Java.
To install the latest stable version:
User Documentation
Documentation can be found on the package website.
- Developer questions/comments/feedback: OHDSI Forum
- We use the GitHub issue tracker for all bugs/issues/enhancements