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The OmopViewer package will display by default the ‘tidy’ tab that will allow the user to explore the data. With the tidy tab there will be displayed different output tabs. By default a table created with OmopViewer::omopViewerTable() will be displayed, but some packages have some extra output tabs configured. In the following table you can see the result_type that are configured and which are the visualisations.

Result type Function Output type
summarise_cohort_overlap tableCohortOverlap gt
plotCohortOverlap ggplot2
summarise_cohort_attrition tableCohortAttrition gt
plotCohortAttrition grViz
summarise_cohort_timing tableCohortTiming gt
plotCohortTiming ggplot2
summarise_characteristics tableCharacteristics gt
plotCharacteristics ggplot2
summarise_cohort_count tableCohortCount gt
plotCohortCount ggplot2
orphan_code_use tableOrphanCodes gt
cohort_code_use tableCohortCodeUse gt
code_use tableCodeUse gt
achilles_code_use tableAchillesCodeUse gt
summarise_observation_period tableObservationPeriod gt
plotObservationPeriod ggplot2
summarise_omop_snapshot tableOmopSnapshot gt
incidence tableIncidence gt
plotIncidence ggplot2
incidence_attrition tableIncidenceAttrition gt
prevalence tablePrevalence gt
plotPrevalence ggplot2
prevalence_attrition tablePrevalenceAttrition gt
summarise_dose_coverage tableDoseCoverage gt
summarise_drug_restart tableDrugRestart gt
plotDrugRestart ggplot2
summarise_drug_utilisation tableDrugUtilisation gt
summarise_indication tableIndication gt
plotIndication ggplot2
summarise_proportion_of_patients_covered tableProportionOfPatientsCovered gt
plotProportionOfPatientsCovered ggplot2
summarise_treatment tableTreatment gt
plotTreatment ggplot2

Note for developers

If you wish to configure a new result_type this can be done editing the internal data: omopViewerTabs, omopViewerOutput and omopViewerOutputArguments in file internalData.R. Please feel free to submit your PR.