Export and launch a static shiny specific to the provided results.
Export and launch a static shiny specific to the provided results.
logo = "ohdsi",
title = "",
background = TRUE,
summary = TRUE,
panelStructure = NULL,
panelDetails = NULL,
theme = NULL,
open = rlang::is_interactive(),
panels = lifecycle::deprecated()
- result
A summarised_result object.
- directory
Directory to create the shiny.
- logo
Name of a logo or path to a logo. If NULL no logo is included. Only svg format allowed for the moment.
- title
title of the shiny
- background
Whether to include a background panel. Background panel content will be controlled from the generated background.md file.
- summary
Whether to include a panel with a summary of content in the `result`.
- panelStructure
A named list of panel indetifiers to organise them in dropdown menus.
- panelDetails
A named list to provide details for each one of the panels, such as: result_id, result_type, title, icon, output_id, ... Name of each element must be the identifier name of `panelStructure`.
- theme
Specify the theme for the Shiny application. You can either select a predefined theme provided by the package (e.g., `"theme1"`), or define a custom theme using `bslib::bs_theme()`. If using a custom theme, it must be provided as a character string (e.g., `"bslib::bs_theme(bg = 'white', fg = 'black')"`).
- open
Whether to open the shiny app project.
- panels
result = omopgenerics::emptySummarisedResult(),
directory = tempdir()
#> ℹ Processing data
#> ! No panels identified, generated shiny will be empty.
#> ℹ Creating shiny from provided data
#> ✔ Shiny created in: /tmp/Rtmp4eGkxt/shiny