Issue # and location

Themis Issue #93

Issue Summary

How to populate the birth_datetime field when any or all of day/month/time of birth is not provided in the source.

Convention type


CDM table


CDM field



Provenance of data


The ratified convention

Use the following logic to infer the birth_datetime value:

  • If only year of birth is given and the person has records during their year of birth - then use the date of the earliest record
  • If only year of birth is given, and there are no records during their year of birth, use the 15th of June of that year.
  • If year of birth and month of birth are given, but no day of birth, then use the first day of the month in that year.
  • If time of birth is not given use midnight (00:00:0000).

Date of ratification/published

2021-09-25 (CDM v5.4 release)

Downstream implications

No, birth_datetime is little used in OHDSI tooling.
