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How to populate the death date when you only have the year or year and month Page Issue # and location Themis issue #104 Issue summary The death.death_date field has day resolution. Some source data may not have complete datestamp of the deceased persons’ death date. How should the day be approximated if only the year or year and month of death...
How to determine the drug_exposure_end_date when it is not given explicitly in the data Page Issue # and location Themis issue #57 CDM issue #156 Issue summary The drug_exposure_end_date is a required field. How do you determine drug_exposure_end_date when it is not given explicitly in the data? Convention type Table CDM table DRUG_EXPOSURE CDM...
What date should be used to populate drug_exposure_start_date? Page Issue # and location Themis issue #110 Issue summary Since drug exposure records may have multiple dates associated, which date should be used as the drug_exposure_start_date? Convention type Table CDM table DRUG_EXPOSURE CDM field drug_exposure_start_date Links to issue discussion...
How to populate the death date when it is missing from the source data Page Issue # and location Forum Forum Issue summary In order to insert a record in the death table, the death_date must be populated. However, some data sources only contain a death flag. In this case, what should the ETL do when there is not...
Missing visit end datetime Page Issue # and location Themis issue #128 Issue summary We have visit start datetime data at the source, but not end datetime. Is it ok to leave visit_end_datetime null when visit_start_datetime is populated? Convention type Table CDM table VISIT_OCCURRENCE...
Resolving Observation Period End Date without Exact Information on a Last Day Page Resolving observation period end date without exact information on a last day
What date is meant to be put in verbatim_end_date? Page Issue # and location CDM_documentation Issue summary There are several “end” dates in the drug_exposure table: drug_exposure_end_date, drug_exposure_end_datetime and verbatim_end_datetime. It is unclear how/when verbatim_end_date should be stored. Convention type Table CDM table DRUG_EXPOSURE CDM field verbatim_end_date <h2...