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Create an exposure_occurrence (exposure) table from a variable source id


createExposure(connectionDetails, variableSourceId, locationImport)



(list) An object of class connectionDetails as created by the createConnectionDetails function


(integer) The variable source id of the variable to create an exposure table for


(data.frame) A data frame with columns location_id and geometry. Represents the geocoded locations


(data.frame) An OMOP CDM exposure_occurrence table for the specified variable source id and locations


This function creates an exposure_occurrence table for a given variable source id and geocoded locations. The exposure_occurrence table is created by joining the variable table to the geom table and then joining the geom table to the geocoded locations. The exposure_occurrence table is then created by selecting the relevant columns from the variable table and the geocoded locations.

The locationImport data frame should have columns location_id and geometry. The location_id column should be an integer representing the location_id of the geocoded location. The geometry column should be a binary representation of the geometry of the geocoded location:

locationImport <- read.csv('geocoded_location_snippet.csv', sep="|", header=FALSE)
locationImport <- dplyr::rename(locationImport, location_id=1, lat=11, lon=12)
locationImport <- dplyr::mutate(locationImport,
    lon=as.numeric(gsub("[\\n]", "", lon)))
locationImport <- dplyr::filter(locationImport, ! & !
locationImport <- locationImport_sf <- sf::st_as_sf(locationImport, coords=c('lon', 'lat'), crs=4326)
locationImport <- dplyr::select(locationImport, location_id, geometry)
locationImport <- data.frame(locationImport)
locationImport$geometry <-
    sf::st_as_binary(locationImport$geometry, EWKB = TRUE, hex = TRUE)

#> head(locationImport)
#=>   location_id                                           geometry
#=> 1           1 0101000020e610000072230d5ff6c351c000023164d0284540
#=> 2           2 0101000020e61000007222df852d8a52c0978b9d95594e4440
#=> 3           3 0101000020e610000076319xaa4ae351c0ba0a73cc43124540
#=> 4           4 0101000020e61000001d90fdfc97bc51c08a05bea2dbdd4440


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Create exposure_occurrence table for a given variable 
variableSourceId <- 1 # Percentile Percentage of persons below poverty estimate 
locationImport <- data.frame(location)
exposure_occurrence <- createExposure(connectionDetails, variableSourceId, locationImport)
} # }