Create aggregate covariate study settings
minPriorObservation = 0,
outcomeWashoutDays = 0,
riskWindowStart = 1,
startAnchor = "cohort start",
riskWindowEnd = 365,
endAnchor = "cohort start",
covariateSettings = FeatureExtraction::createCovariateSettings(useDemographicsGender =
T, useDemographicsAge = T, useDemographicsAgeGroup = T, useDemographicsRace = T,
useDemographicsEthnicity = T, useDemographicsIndexYear = T, useDemographicsIndexMonth
= T, useDemographicsTimeInCohort = T, useDemographicsPriorObservationTime = T,
useDemographicsPostObservationTime = T, useConditionGroupEraLongTerm = T,
useDrugGroupEraOverlapping = T, useDrugGroupEraLongTerm = T,
useProcedureOccurrenceLongTerm = T, useMeasurementLongTerm = T,
useObservationLongTerm = T, useDeviceExposureLongTerm = T,
useVisitConceptCountLongTerm = T, useConditionGroupEraShortTerm = T,
useDrugGroupEraShortTerm = T, useProcedureOccurrenceShortTerm = T,
useMeasurementShortTerm = T, useObservationShortTerm = T, useDeviceExposureShortTerm
= T, useVisitConceptCountShortTerm = T, endDays = 0, longTermStartDays = -365,
shortTermStartDays = -30),
caseCovariateSettings = createDuringCovariateSettings(useConditionGroupEraDuring = T,
useDrugGroupEraDuring = T, useProcedureOccurrenceDuring = T, useDeviceExposureDuring
= T, useMeasurementDuring = T, useObservationDuring = T, useVisitConceptCountDuring =
casePreTargetDuration = 365,
casePostOutcomeDuration = 365,
extractNonCaseCovariates = T
A list of cohortIds for the target cohorts
A list of cohortIds for the outcome cohorts
The minimum time (in days) in the database a patient in the target cohorts must be observed prior to index
Patients with the outcome within outcomeWashout days prior to index are excluded from the risk factor analysis
The start of the risk window (in days) relative to the `startAnchor`.
The anchor point for the start of the risk window. Can be `"cohort start"` or `"cohort end"`.
The end of the risk window (in days) relative to the `endAnchor`.
The anchor point for the end of the risk window. Can be `"cohort start"` or `"cohort end"`.
An object created using FeatureExtraction::createCovariateSettings
An object created using createDuringCovariateSettings
The number of days prior to case index we use for FeatureExtraction
The number of days prior to case index we use for FeatureExtraction
Whether to extract aggregate covariates and counts for patients in the targets and outcomes in addition to the cases
A list with the settings