Create aggregate covariate study settings
Create aggregate covariate study settings
minPriorObservation = 0,
outcomeWashoutDays = 0,
riskWindowStart = 1,
startAnchor = "cohort start",
riskWindowEnd = 365,
endAnchor = "cohort start",
covariateSettings = FeatureExtraction::createCovariateSettings(useDemographicsGender =
TRUE, useDemographicsAge = TRUE, useDemographicsAgeGroup = TRUE, useDemographicsRace
= TRUE, useDemographicsEthnicity = TRUE, useDemographicsIndexYear = TRUE,
useDemographicsIndexMonth = TRUE, useDemographicsTimeInCohort = TRUE,
useDemographicsPriorObservationTime = TRUE, useDemographicsPostObservationTime =
TRUE, useConditionGroupEraLongTerm = TRUE, useDrugGroupEraOverlapping = TRUE,
useDrugGroupEraLongTerm = TRUE, useProcedureOccurrenceLongTerm = TRUE,
useMeasurementLongTerm = TRUE, useObservationLongTerm = TRUE,
useDeviceExposureLongTerm = TRUE, useVisitConceptCountLongTerm = TRUE,
useConditionGroupEraShortTerm = TRUE, useDrugGroupEraShortTerm = TRUE,
useProcedureOccurrenceShortTerm = TRUE, useMeasurementShortTerm = TRUE,
useObservationShortTerm = TRUE, useDeviceExposureShortTerm = TRUE,
useVisitConceptCountShortTerm = TRUE, endDays = 0, longTermStartDays = -365,
shortTermStartDays = -30),
caseCovariateSettings = createDuringCovariateSettings(useConditionGroupEraDuring =
TRUE, useDrugGroupEraDuring = TRUE, useProcedureOccurrenceDuring = TRUE,
useDeviceExposureDuring = TRUE, useMeasurementDuring = TRUE, useObservationDuring =
TRUE, useVisitConceptCountDuring = TRUE),
casePreTargetDuration = 365,
casePostOutcomeDuration = 365,
extractNonCaseCovariates = TRUE
- targetIds
A list of cohortIds for the target cohorts
- outcomeIds
A list of cohortIds for the outcome cohorts
- minPriorObservation
The minimum time (in days) in the database a patient in the target cohorts must be observed prior to index
- outcomeWashoutDays
Patients with the outcome within outcomeWashout days prior to index are excluded from the risk factor analysis
- riskWindowStart
The start of the risk window (in days) relative to the `startAnchor`.
- startAnchor
The anchor point for the start of the risk window. Can be `"cohort start"` or `"cohort end"`.
- riskWindowEnd
The end of the risk window (in days) relative to the `endAnchor`.
- endAnchor
The anchor point for the end of the risk window. Can be `"cohort start"` or `"cohort end"`.
- covariateSettings
An object created using
- caseCovariateSettings
An object created using
- casePreTargetDuration
The number of days prior to case index we use for FeatureExtraction
- casePostOutcomeDuration
The number of days prior to case index we use for FeatureExtraction
- extractNonCaseCovariates
Whether to extract aggregate covariates and counts for patients in the targets and outcomes in addition to the cases
aggregateSetting <- createAggregateCovariateSettings(
targetIds = c(1,2),
outcomeIds = c(3),
minPriorObservation = 365,
outcomeWashoutDays = 90,
riskWindowStart = 1,
startAnchor = "cohort start",
riskWindowEnd = 365,
endAnchor = "cohort start",
casePreTargetDuration = 365,
casePostOutcomeDuration = 365