Compute the area under the ROC curve of the propensity score.
computePsAuc(data, confidenceIntervals = FALSE, maxRows = 1e+05)
A data frame with at least the two columns described below
Compute 95 percent confidence intervals (computationally expensive for large data sets)
Maximum number of rows to use. If the number of rows is larger, a random sample will be taken. This can increase speed, with minor cost to precision. Set to 0 to use all data.
A tibble holding the AUC and its 95 percent confidence interval
The data frame should have a least the following two columns:
treatment (integer): Column indicating whether the person is in the target (1) or comparator (0) group.
propensityScore (numeric): Propensity score.
treatment <- rep(0:1, each = 100)
propensityScore <- c(rnorm(100, mean = 0.4, sd = 0.25), rnorm(100, mean = 0.6, sd = 0.25))
data <- data.frame(treatment = treatment, propensityScore = propensityScore)
data <- data[data$propensityScore > 0 & data$propensityScore < 1, ]
#> [1] 0.6727075