Create CohortMethod multi-threading settings
getDbCohortMethodDataThreads = 1,
createPsThreads = 1,
psCvThreads = 1,
createStudyPopThreads = 1,
trimMatchStratifyThreads = 1,
computeSharedBalanceThreads = 1,
computeBalanceThreads = 1,
prefilterCovariatesThreads = 1,
fitOutcomeModelThreads = 1,
outcomeCvThreads = 1,
calibrationThreads = 1
The number of parallel threads to use for building the cohortMethod data objects.
The number of parallel threads to use for fitting the propensity models.
The number of parallel threads to use for the cross-
validation when estimating the hyperparameter for the
propensity model. Note that the total number of CV threads at
one time could be createPsThreads * psCvThreads
The number of parallel threads to use for creating the study population.
The number of parallel threads to use for trimming, matching and stratifying.
The number of parallel threads to use for computing shared covariate balance.
The number of parallel threads to use for computing covariate balance.
The number of parallel threads to use for prefiltering covariates.
The number of parallel threads to use for fitting the outcome models.
The number of parallel threads to use for the cross-
validation when estimating the hyperparameter for the outcome
model. Note that the total number of CV threads at one time
could be fitOutcomeModelThreads * outcomeCvThreads
The number of parallel threads to use for empirical calibration.
An object of type CmMultiThreadingSettings