Tool Description Legacy Support Feature Support
Data Quality Dashboard This package can be downloaded from It runs a set of > 3500 data quality checks against an OMOP CDM instance and is required to be run on all databases prior to participating in an OHDSI network research study. ⚠️
Achilles This package can be downloaded from, performing a set of broad database characterizations agains an OMOP CDM instance. ⚠️
ARES This package can be downloaded from and is designed to display the results from both the ACHILLES and DataQualityDashboard packages to support data quality and characterization research. ⚠️
ATLAS ATLAS is an open source software tool for researchers to conduct scientific analyses on standardized observational data. Demo ⚠️
Feature Extraction This package can be downloaded from It is designed to generate features (covariates) for a cohort generated using the OMOP CDM. ✅*
Cohort Diagnostics This package can be downloaded from and is used to critically evaluate cohort phenotypes. ⚠️