
Reading from Synthea table devices.csv

Destination Field Source field Logic Comment field
device_exposure_id Autogenerated
person_id patient Map by mapping person.person_source_value to patient. Find person.person_id by mapping encounters.patient to person.person_source_value.
device_concept_id code Use the following SQL code to lookup target_concept_id in CTE_TARGET_VOCAB_MAP: select ctvm.target_concept_id from devices d join cte_target_vocab_map ctvm on ctvm.source_code = d.code and ctvm.target_domain_id = ‘Device’ and ctvm.target_vocabulary_id = ‘SNOMED’ and ctvm.source_vocabulary_id = ‘SNOMED’ and ctvm.target_invalid_reason is NULL and ctvm.target_standard_concept = ‘S’
device_exposure_start_date start
device_exposure_start_datetime start
device_exposure_end_date stop
device_exposure_end_datetime stop
device_type_concept_id Set to 32827 (EHR encounter record) for all records
unique_device_id udi For OMOP v5.3 left(udi,50) to account for unique_device_id character length
quantity cast(null as integer)
provider_id provider Look up provider_id using provider, joining to the provider.provider_source_value field in the omop table
visit_occurrence_id encounter Lookup visit_occurrence_id using encounter, joining to temp table defined in AllVisitTable.sql.
visit_detail_id encounter Lookup visit_occurrence_id using encounter, joining to temp table defined in AllVisitTable.sql and add 1000000
device_source_value code
device_source_concept_id code Use the following SQL code to lookup the source_concept_id in CTE_SOURCE_VOCAB_MAP: select csvm.source_concept_id from cte_source_vocab_map csvm join devices d on csvm.source_code = d.code and csvm.source_vocabulary_id = ‘SNOMED’