
Reading from Synthea table providers.csv

Destination Field Source field Logic Comment field
provider_id Autogenerated
provider_name name
npi cast(null as integer)
dea cast(null as integer)
specialty_concept_id Set to 38004446 (General pratice) for all records
care_site_id cast(null as integer)
year_of_birth cast(null as integer)
gender_concept_id gender case upper(gender) when ‘M’ then 8507 when ‘F’ then 8532 end
provider_source_value id
specilaty_source_value specialty
specialty_source_concept_id Set to 38004446 (General pratice) for all records
gender_source_value gender
gender_source_concept_id case upper(gender) when ‘M’ then 8507 when ‘F’ then 8532 end