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This function extracts the model performances


  plpTablePrefix = "plp_",
  cgTablePrefix = "cg_",
  databaseTable = "database_meta_data",
  databaseTablePrefix = "",
  modelDesignId = NULL,
  developmentDatabaseId = NULL



A connection handler that connects to the database and extracts sql queries. Create a connection handler via `ResultModelManager::ConnectionHandler$new()`.


The result database schema (e.g., 'main' for sqlite)


The prefix used for the patient level prediction results tables


The prefix used for the cohort generator results tables


The name of the table with the database details (default 'database_meta_data')


A prefix to the database table, either ” or 'plp_'


The identifier for a model design to restrict results to


The identifier for the development database to restrict results to


Returns a data.frame with the columns:

  • performanceId the unique identifier for the performance

  • modelDesignId the unique identifier for the model design

  • developmentDatabaseId the unique identifier for the database used to develop the model

  • validationDatabaseId the unique identifier for the database used to validate the model

  • developmentTargetId the unique cohort id for the development target population

  • developmentTargetName the name for the development target population

  • developmentOutcomeId the unique cohort id for the development outcome

  • developmentOutcomeName the name for the development outcome

  • developmentDatabase the name for the database used to develop the model

  • validationDatabase the name for the database used to validate the model

  • validationTargetName the name for the validation target population

  • validationOutcomeName the name for the validation outcome

  • timeStamp the date/time when the analysis occurred

  • auroc the test/validation AUROC value for the model

  • auroc95lb the test/validation lower bound of the 95 percent CI AUROC value for the model

  • auroc95ub the test/validation upper bound of the 95 percent CI AUROC value for the model

  • calibrationInLarge the test/validation calibration in the large value for the model

  • eStatistic the test/validation calibration e-statistic value for the model

  • brierScore the test/validation brier value for the model

  • auprc the test/validation discrimination AUPRC value for the model

  • populationSize the test/validation population size used to develop the model

  • outcomeCount the test/validation outcome count used to develop the model

  • evalPercent the percentage of the development data used as the test set

  • outcomePercent the outcome percent in the development data

  • validationTimeAtRisk time at risk for the validation

  • predictionResultType development or validation


Specify the connectionHandler, the resultDatabaseSettings and (optionally) a modelDesignId and/or developmentDatabaseId to restrict models to


conDet <- getExampleConnectionDetails()

connectionHandler <- ResultModelManager::ConnectionHandler$new(conDet)
#> Connecting using SQLite driver

perf <- getPredictionPerformances(
  connectionHandler = connectionHandler, 
  schema = 'main'