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This function extracts the top N predictors per model from the prediction results tables


  plpTablePrefix = "plp_",
  cgTablePrefix = "cg_",
  targetIds = NULL,
  outcomeIds = NULL,
  numberPredictors = 100



A connection handler that connects to the database and extracts sql queries. Create a connection handler via `ResultModelManager::ConnectionHandler$new()`.


The result database schema (e.g., 'main' for sqlite)


The prefix used for the patient level prediction results tables


The prefix used for the cohort generator results tables


A vector of integers corresponding to the target cohort IDs


A vector of integers corresponding to the outcome cohort IDs


the number of predictors per model to return


Returns a data.frame with the columns:

  • databaseName the name of the database the model was developed on

  • tarStartDay the time-at-risk start day

  • tarStartAnchor whether the time-at-risk start is relative to cohort start or end

  • tarEndDay the time-at-risk end day

  • tarEndAnchor whether the time-at-risk end is relative to cohort start or end

  • performanceId a unique identifier for the performance

  • covariateId the FeatureExtraction covariate identifier

  • covariateName the name of the covariate

  • conceptId the covariates corresponding concept or 0

  • covariateValue the feature importance or coefficient value

  • covariateCount how many people had the covariate

  • covariateMean the fraction of the target population with the covariate

  • covariateStDev the standard deviation

  • withNoOutcomeCovariateCount the number of the target population without the outcome with the covariate

  • withNoOutcomeCovariateMean the fraction of the target population without the outcome with the covariate

  • withNoOutcomeCovariateStDev the covariate standard deviation of the target population without the outcome

  • withOutcomeCovariateCount the number of the target population with the outcome with the covariate

  • withOutcomeCovariateMean the fraction of the target population with the outcome with the covariate

  • withOutcomeCovariateStDev the covariate standard deviation of the target population with the outcome

  • standardizedMeanDiff the standardized mean difference comparing the target population with outcome and without the outcome

  • rn the row number showing the covariate rank


Specify the connectionHandler, the resultDatabaseSettings and (optionally) any targetIds or outcomeIds to restrict models to


conDet <- getExampleConnectionDetails()

connectionHandler <- ResultModelManager::ConnectionHandler$new(conDet)
#> Connecting using SQLite driver

topPreds <- getPredictionTopPredictors(
  connectionHandler = connectionHandler, 
  schema = 'main',
  targetIds = 1,
  outcomeIds = 3