This function extracts the top N predictors per model from the prediction results tables
plpTablePrefix = "plp_",
cgTablePrefix = "cg_",
targetIds = NULL,
outcomeIds = NULL,
numberPredictors = 100
- connectionHandler
A connection handler that connects to the database and extracts sql queries. Create a connection handler via `ResultModelManager::ConnectionHandler$new()`.
- schema
The result database schema (e.g., 'main' for sqlite)
- plpTablePrefix
The prefix used for the patient level prediction results tables
- cgTablePrefix
The prefix used for the cohort generator results tables
- targetIds
A vector of integers corresponding to the target cohort IDs
- outcomeIds
A vector of integers corresponding to the outcome cohort IDs
- numberPredictors
the number of predictors per model to return
Returns a data.frame with the columns:
databaseName the name of the database the model was developed on
tarStartDay the time-at-risk start day
tarStartAnchor whether the time-at-risk start is relative to cohort start or end
tarEndDay the time-at-risk end day
tarEndAnchor whether the time-at-risk end is relative to cohort start or end
performanceId a unique identifier for the performance
covariateId the FeatureExtraction covariate identifier
covariateName the name of the covariate
conceptId the covariates corresponding concept or 0
covariateValue the feature importance or coefficient value
covariateCount how many people had the covariate
covariateMean the fraction of the target population with the covariate
covariateStDev the standard deviation
withNoOutcomeCovariateCount the number of the target population without the outcome with the covariate
withNoOutcomeCovariateMean the fraction of the target population without the outcome with the covariate
withNoOutcomeCovariateStDev the covariate standard deviation of the target population without the outcome
withOutcomeCovariateCount the number of the target population with the outcome with the covariate
withOutcomeCovariateMean the fraction of the target population with the outcome with the covariate
withOutcomeCovariateStDev the covariate standard deviation of the target population with the outcome
standardizedMeanDiff the standardized mean difference comparing the target population with outcome and without the outcome
rn the row number showing the covariate rank
Specify the connectionHandler, the resultDatabaseSettings and (optionally) any targetIds or outcomeIds to restrict models to
conDet <- getExampleConnectionDetails()
connectionHandler <- ResultModelManager::ConnectionHandler$new(conDet)
#> Connecting using SQLite driver
topPreds <- getPredictionTopPredictors(
connectionHandler = connectionHandler,
schema = 'main',
targetIds = 1,
outcomeIds = 3