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This function extracts any meta analysis estimation results for sccs.


  sccsTablePrefix = "sccs_",
  cgTablePrefix = "cg_",
  esTablePrefix = "es_",
  targetIds = NULL,
  outcomeIds = NULL



A connection handler that connects to the database and extracts sql queries. Create a connection handler via `ResultModelManager::ConnectionHandler$new()`.


The result database schema (e.g., 'main' for sqlite)


The prefix used for the cohort generator results tables


The prefix used for the cohort generator results tables


The prefix used for the evidence synthesis results tables


A vector of integers corresponding to the target cohort IDs


A vector of integers corresponding to the outcome cohort IDs


Returns a data.frame with the columns:

  • databaseName the database name

  • analysisId the analysis unique identifier

  • description an analysis description

  • targetName the target name

  • targetId the target cohort id

  • outcomeName the outcome name

  • outcomeId the outcome cohort id

  • covariateName whether main or secondary analysis

  • outcomeSubjects The number of subjects with at least one outcome.

  • outcomeEvents The number of outcome events.

  • outcomeObservationPeriods The number of observation periods containing at least one outcome.

  • covariateSubjects The number of subjects having the covariate.

  • covariateDays The total covariate time in days.

  • covariateEras The number of continuous eras of the covariate.

  • covariateOutcomes The number of outcomes observed during the covariate time.

  • observedDays The number of days subjects were observed.

  • calibratedRr the calibrated relative risk

  • calibratedCi95Lb the lower bound of the 95 percent confidence interval for the calibrated relative risk

  • calibratedCi95Ub the upper bound of the 95 percent confidence interval for the calibrated relative risk

  • calibratedP the calibrated p-value

  • calibratedOneSidedP the calibrated one sided p-value

  • calibratedLogRr the calibrated log of the relative risk

  • calibratedSeLogRr the calibrated log of the relative risk standard error

  • nDatabases The number of databases included in the estimate.


Specify the connectionHandler, the schema and the targetoutcome cohort IDs


conDet <- getExampleConnectionDetails()

connectionHandler <- ResultModelManager::ConnectionHandler$new(conDet)
#> Connecting using SQLite driver

sccsMeta <- getSccsMetaEstimation(
  connectionHandler = connectionHandler, 
  schema = 'main',
  targetIds = 1,
  outcomeIds = 3