The module server for the shiny app report module
The module server for the shiny app report module
id = "reportModule",
connectionHandler = NULL,
resultDatabaseSettings = NULL,
server = Sys.getenv("RESULTS_SERVER"),
username = Sys.getenv("RESULTS_USER"),
password = Sys.getenv("RESULTS_PASSWORD"),
dbms = Sys.getenv("RESULTS_DBMS")
- id
the unique reference id for the module
- connectionHandler
a connection to the database with the results
- resultDatabaseSettings
a list containing the characterization result schema, dbms, tablePrefix, databaseTable and cgTablePrefix
- server
server for the connection to the results for quarto
- username
username for the connection to the results for quarto
- password
password for the connection to the results for quarto
- dbms
dbms for the connection to the results for quarto
See also
Other Report: