Changes: 1. Update model and evaluation cohort sql files to remove temporary files
Changes: 1. Update evaluation cohort processing to allow multiple matches with comparative phenotype algorithm
Changes: 1. Add parameter to force evaluation visits to be only within the start and end dates of the cohort 2. Bug fix within time-at-risk calculation
Changes: 1. Allow for a designated Case cohort to use for comparisons between cases and non-cases when viewing false postives and negatives 2. Allow for use of evaluation saved PLP data when flag for data save is TRUE 3. Replace duplicate names for shiny output 4. Create the cohort definition set within the tool for shiny use 5. Correct bug when there are NA’s in test phenotype 6. Reduce constraints on xSpec cohort allowing for more subjects to be included within the cohort
Changes: 1. Add capability to supply custom visit occurrence table to increase speed of processing for extremely large visit occurrence tables 2. Bug fix in sql files needed in sql server
Changes: 1. Add capability to use exisitng model for a run 2. Bug fix for getPopnPrev.sql needed in sql server
Changes: 1. add in additional parameters for output csv models 2. add default value for xSens cohort as prevalence cohort