Get phenotype log

getPhenotypeLog(cohortIds = NULL, showHidden = FALSE)



IDs of cohorts to extraction from the library.


Some cohorts in the library are designed to be hidden. They are not retrieved by default. To retrieve such cohorts, please set showHidden as TRUE. Examples of hidden cohorts are withdrawn, deprecated, referrent cohorts.


Returns a table with one row per cohort definitions with log information such as its release cycle. Example, this function gives us insight on when a cohort definition was added/updated/deprecated by the OHDSI PhenotypeLibrary.

A tibble.


getPhenotypeLog(cohortIds = c(1, 2))
#> # A tibble: 0 x 80
#> # i 80 variables: cohortId <dbl>, cohortName <chr>, cohortNameAtlas <chr>,
#> #   cohortNameFormatted <chr>, cohortNameLong <chr>, librarian <chr>,
#> #   status <chr>, addedVersion <chr>, logicDescription <chr>, hashTag <chr>,
#> #   isCirceJson <dbl>, contributors <chr>, contributorOrcIds <chr>,
#> #   contributorOrganizations <chr>, peerReviewers <chr>,
#> #   peerReviewerOrcIds <dbl>, recommendedReferentConceptIds <chr>,
#> #   ohdsiForumPost <chr>, createdDate <date>, modifiedDate <date>, ...